Monday 12 August 2013

Abolitionist: Olaudah Equiano!!!

 Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745 – c. 1797) was an ex-African slave who was a large influence of the Abolition of the Slave Trade. Olaudah was born in a small village in Nigeria, Africa. One day, he and his sister were kidnapped by slave traders after playing in the fields by their village. He was shipped across to America on a slave ship sailing the middle passage. The middle passage is the route that the slave ships go to transport 
Africans to the slave traders. 
Soon, Olaudah and his sister separated from each other as they were sold to different masters. Olaudah was a very fortunate slave than most. His first owner was a man named Lieutenant Michael Pascal. He taught him the English literature making Olaudah to be a very intelligent man. Pascal later sold him to a man named Robert King who improved his literacy skills so he could read and write fluently in English. Pascal made it clear to King, ‘make sire to sell him to the best master he could’, because Olaudah was a very smart boy. Olaudah was promised 40 pounds form King and bought his freedom.

^^Am Man and a Brother? - this badge was used to promote the abolition of the slave trade!!

From Jacci & Lani ♥ 

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